Paint Girl is busy in Scottsdale for the big Arabian show, woo-hoot! I am sure she is working on her tan. Stinker.
Meanwhile, we got another round of fresh snow last night. It's kind of wet but awfully pretty this morning, when I went out to feed.
I really appreciate everyone's comments on Loretta and her tummy troubles. She is more the same. I notice symptoms more frequently, but they are less severe and dramatic. I got a quote on GastroGard~ $900. Yikes!
I also got some advice on using Aloe and Cabbage juice. Brown-Eyed Cowgirls also mentioned this so I am going to explore it further. I am open to all options yet I feel I need to get something going.
Part of me was just hoping that the heat cycle issue would resolve itself and I would notice the tummy troubles leaving, too. However, I am still seeing that she seems to be in discomfort around or after feeding, which really points to the ulcers being the cause of her pain. I did pick up some Ulcer-Rid (to help with ulcer pain, not rid them, ironcially) and some Mare Magic to hopefully temporarily relieve some pain but of course I am having problems with her eating them, even when mashed into a bit of grain (which I had taken her off of for the last couple of weeks. Before that, she'd eat anything I'd put in a mash!)
I have some really fun new cowgirl necklaces that I am making for an upcoming event! Whatever doesn't sell at the 3-day event will end up in my Etsy shop. I was inspired by this necklace which I bought from a gal named Dani, she has an Etsy shop she calls LeonaRose Designs. It is a soldered glass necklace with a bling heart in it. I loved the big chunky style and wore it on Valentine's Day.

I don't do soldered glass jewelry, but I found these glass and metal frames which are super cute when filled with cowgirl images!!
As you can tell, I am kinda obsessed with bows right now. Who says a cowgirl can't have a girly side?
Ihope all is well for y'all, enjoy your weekend!!
Ranch Girl