Thursday, July 7, 2011

Someone's Gotta Do It

I consider myself a pretty efficient, capable Ranch Girl. For example, I can clean my horse's trough.

It was time to get My Boy his own trough (he'd been borrowing one from the ranch.)

YOU- yes you My Boy, are getting a new trough!

My RB cleaned out the metal one and set up the new one while I snapped pictures.

After this task, we brough out out My Boy. I asked RB to hold him for a second while I took more pictures.

It's a tough job on the ranch, taking pictures.

Someone's gotta do it.

Thank you RB, for all you do for me!

Ranch Girl


Cactus Jack Splash said...

You probably better rest up after that hard day.

cdncowgirl said...

Sure is hard work... and I can't help but notice that there are two butts in that pic ;)

funny, I was reading your post and got and email notification of a comment on my blog, it was you! lol

Mary said...

Hey! What happened to the chinks? :-)

Sherry Sikstrom said...

Tough holding the cameral steady! lol.Your boy looks good (Riley , i mean) not hat the other doesn't , but well, you know , not trying to be creepy!

Carroll Farm said...

We do lots of trough cleaning here too. The girls hate it, I won't let them play in that water - something about trough water just doesn't sit ok with splashing in. Thank you for the comment. Jasmine has killer eyes - so does Payton - I am going to be in trouble when they get older. :) And, yes - you need to go back to Disney. It is a load of fun!

Crystal said...

haha good pics,sure a tough day.

I was confused for a minute what RB stood for until I read about ranch girl and clued in, lol.